Church Equipping Ministries International, Inc (CEMI), founded in 1996, is a tax exempt, nonprofit mission organization raised up by God in an answer to prayers of believers throughout the world who trust God to supply their needs. We believe that God has raised up this ministry to equip the Church worldwide.CEMI provides medical assistance and supplies to countries in need. CEMI will not usurp the authority of the local church or replace the local church in world missions. CEMI collaborates with local pastors in the construction of places for worship of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, worldwide.
CEMI also assists local churches in conducting conferences, seminars, and workshops for training and equipping pastors and lay workers for the work of ministry. CEMI is committed to aiding local churches in evangelism, and will supply them with Bibles, books, and other materials for establishing evangelistic ministries.
CEMI depends only on God to meet its needs and will go wherever the Holy Spirit leads to equip local churches in fulfilling the Great Commission